Best of Giving Season 2 – The Best of the Best of Giving
During the past two years, Philanthropy Australia has compiled nine short films that tell the stories of best practice philanthropy, ranging from community support during a crisis, to environmental initiatives, to partnerships with Indigenous health providers.
The film series was supported by the Paul Ramsay Foundation and produced by Dynamic Visuals in Melbourne, working with Philanthropy Australia Storyteller Nick Richardson.
The Best of Giving Season 2 – Time and Trust
In the remote part of western NSW, a partnership between a Sydney foundation and an Indigenous health provider shows just how powerful a long-term relationship can be. Watch the video about the partnership as part of our Best of Giving short film series that celebrates great examples of philanthropic practice.
Best of Giving Season 2 – Innovation: the Fay Fuller Foundation and OurTown
Across the country, there are a myriad of small towns confronting their own problems, trying to make sure their communities can thrive under a range of stresses and pressures. Into this setting comes an initiative called OurTown, which is designed to empower local communities in South Australia to create their own mental health and well being solutions.
The Best of Giving Season 1: Time and Scale
A long-term commitment from Gandel Philanthropy to ensure Victorian school children learned about the Holocaust is not only behind an innovative teaching program but also helped drive the advocacy that made studying the Holocaust mandatory in Victorian state schools.
Best of Giving Season 1: International
One of the key planks in Good Return’s goal of eradicating extreme poverty across the Asia-Pacific region, is its long-term relationship with Accenture supporting financial literacy programs in Cambodia and Nepal. An innovation called the My Money Tracker mobile app reveals how the partnership between the two organisations is helping Cambodians have more control over their economic future.
The Best of Giving Season 1: Innovation
Housing affordability is a problem that won’t go away, especially as housing prices keep climbing. But a unique collaboration between Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Housing Choices Australia and Darebin Council in Melbourne found a new way to tackle housing affordability and was recognised with the Australian Philanthropy Awards’ 2020 Better Philanthropy Award. Watch for the story behind the innovation.
The Best of Giving Season 1: Environment
How a powerful environmental initiative brought together a group of funders with a project that could transform the Northern Territory’s economy. See just what it took to devise and advocate for Beyond Zero Emission’s 10 Gigawatt Vision.
The Best of Giving Season 1: Regional
One small grant to a local community confronting the impact of drought can be transformative. Here we tell the story of a long-standing initiative that has helped many rural and regional communities in Australia cope with the lasting consequences of long-term drought.