An Australian COP31 should be a ‘People’s COP with community at its core’
Climate Action Week Sydney (CAW.SYD) ended last week with a call to put people and communities at the Centre of COP31 as Australia and the Pacific bid to co-host the global summit. Leaders involved with the cross-sectoral COP31 Collaboration Group (CCG) said work must ensure that COP31 is a ‘People’s COP’ that has inclusivity, First Nations and community engagement at its core.
50+ stories for 50 years
This year marks Philanthropy Australia’s 50th anniversary! For five decades, our community has championed philanthropy, driving positive change across Australia. As an organisation, we have continued to grow, evolve, and thrive thanks to you—our members, both past and present.
Inspiring new video series from AIIW
Australians Investing In Women (AIIW) has launched an inspiring series of 13 interviews featuring some of the sector’s most influential voices. Philanthropy Australia is delighted to support the release of the videos.
‘Giving circles are fun’: Impact100 Melbourne launches
A new collective giving opportunity has been launched in Melbourne for locals who want to support their communities to thrive. Impact100 Melbourne, supported by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, aims to build a new membership base in the Victorian capital and bring like-minded citizens together to make a difference on their patch.
“Philanthropy does not achieve change in and of itself.”
In June 2024, Maree Sidey became CEO of Philanthropy Australia. F&P’s Fiona Atkinson asks what philanthropy means for her, for fundraisers and for Australia. Maree Sidey thinks the word ‘philanthropist’ can feel out of reach. “I don’t think most Australians like it or relate to it, including many Philanthropy Australia members,” says the CEO of Philanthropy Australia. Maree prefers the term ‘generous Australians’. “It’s much more accessible,” she says.
SILA leadership program opens for applications in NSW and ACT
The influential professional development program aimed at for-purpose leaders is calling for CEOs from NSW and ACT to apply to undertake its comprehensive and fully funded program. The course is designed to boost leadership capabilities and drive greater impact for participants’ organisations and the sector.
White Box launches first-of-its-kind loan fund to fuel growth in social enterprises
White Box Enterprises has launched an innovative loan fund offering flexible, low-rate loans to help create social enterprises and more than 200 jobs for people facing barriers to employment. Backed by philanthropy and government, the aim is to provide social enterprises the ‘right capital at the right time’.