Philanthropy Australia
Fri, 3 May 2024Estimated reading times: 2 minutes
Welcome to the latest edition of our gallery designed to showcase events, launches, project updates and activities happening in our busy member community.
The inauguration of Beacon Laundry in Bangalow on 10 April. Pictured: The Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP Prime Minister of Australia, centre, with The Hon. Justine Elliot, MP Assistant Minister for Social Services, Luke Terry, CEO of White Box Enterprises, The Beacon Laundry and White Box Enterprises teams, several philanthropists and investors who have made this project possible, including Richard and Lorena Uechtritz and Coralie Nichols of the Ian and Shirley Norman Foundation.Australian Communities Foundation brought together Sydney-based funders from its giving community and the sector to connect and share insights over lunch on 17 April. L–R: Adam Knobel, ACF Fundholder, Camille Furtado, Director of Philanthropy, ACF and Bernie Shakeshaft, CEO, BackTrack, ACF Future Fund.Pictured at the recent Raise Foundation Patron’s Lunch: (L-R) Guest speaker Jillian Broadbent AC, Patron David Gonski AC and CEO Vicki Condon AM.Board and ambassadors of Raise Foundation at the Patron’s Lunch: (L-R) Mark Beretta, Dr Matthew Miles, Ali Daddo, David Knowles, Jacinta Tynan, Joost de Kock, Vicki Condon AM, Andrew Birch and Leon Condon.The Black Dog Institute team went to Parliament House in Canberra to launch the ‘School-based mental health and wellbeing programs. What’s working, what’s not?’ policy brief. It offers valuable insights into child/adolescent mental health to help build best-practice approaches. Pictured: Prof Louise Birrell (7th from right), Ms Kylea Tink MP (6th from right), Prof Jennie Hudson (green top) and associates.Tirana Hassan is the first woman and Australian to head Human Rights Watch, the global advocacy group with 550 staff working across 90 countries. Philanthropy Australia was delighted to host her at a thought-provoking event at our Melbourne office. In conversation with Joseph Skrzynski AO, Vice Chair of the Global Board of Human Rights Watch, she covered a raft of topics in relation to the contemporary intersection of philanthropy and human rights issues. Pictured: (L-R) Adam Ognall, Acting CEO of Philanthropy Australia, Tirana and Joseph.Audience members including Patricia Burke OAM, at the launch of Equitable Foundations: A Framework for Philanthropic Partnerships. Australians Investing In Women (AIIW) and the University of Melbourne’s Melbourne Social Equity Institute (MSEI) launched a comprehensive resource to increase the impact of philanthropic and social investments. Pictured (L-R) at the Equitable Foundations launch event: Dr Doug Hilton AO, Sally Capp AO, Prof Jo Barraket AM, Liz Yeo, Dr Alexandra Williamson, Julie Reilly OAM and Peter Mares.Zara, Amelia, Isla, Scarlett, Nelly, Sue, Izzy and Sio attend Avalon Youth Hub’s event, Beats & Eats, to celebrate Youth Week 2024. The Burdekin Association is the lead partner of this collaboration of mental health and support services to young people in the Pittwater NSW region.The Ballarat Foundation held its first voting event for the Ballarat Women’s Fund. Members voted Raven Collective, a program that supports women who have experienced domestic violence, as the winning project to receive $20,000. Three shortlisted programs presenters are pictured: (L-R) Ella MacKay (Cafs), Natalie Illingworth (Raven Collective) and Karryne Hearn (WRISC).
Click here to view the full album of photos from the Australian Philanthropy Awards Showcase.
Philanthropy Australia members can submit images to be included in the next edition of This Month in Philanthropy – In Pictures by filling out this form.
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