New Pay What It Takes (PWIT) report is ‘a love letter to our sector’

A new report from Pay What It Takes (PWIT) shares the wisdom and experiences of philanthropic leaders on their shared journey of creating sustainable not for profit organisations that are consistently benefiting communities across the country.
The “New Perspectives on Applying PWIT Principles in Australia” report includes interviews with nine leaders from across the sector who speak openly about the insights they have gained and their struggles working to implement Pay What It Takes principles.

Jo Taylor, the report co-author and PWIT Coalition Chair describes it as “a love letter to our sector. It’s packed with insights from inspiring leaders who tell it like it is. They share their wisdom and experiences—the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly sides of funding practices that can either amplify or hinder our aspirations for creating lasting change in Australia.”
The New Perspectives report is intended as a starting point for a growing community of practice, which can share experiences, learnings and tools. It aims to grow the philanthropic sector’s understanding of the Pay What It Takes (PWIT) initiative, PWIT principles as they are evolving, and how they are being practically applied in an Australian context.
Through candid interviews, the report presents some of the implementation challenges faced by local funders and for purpose organisations who are at various stages of applying PWIT principles as part of their efforts to break what has been named the ‘starvation cycle’. It was compiled by Jo Taylor and Courtney Collins, and presented by Bryce Groves.
Many leaders in this report have participated in the PWIT Guidelines and Principles for Implementation co-design initiative that was soft launched in a Masterclass at the Philanthropy Australia Conference in Adelaide.
The report can be accessed here.
Not-for-profit Engaged and Active tier Philanthropy Australia members can register now to attend the upcoming “Reframing Overheads: not-for-profit member gathering” event where Jo Taylor, Lisa Allen and Denise Cheng will deep dive into the Pay What It Takes (PWIT) and Reframe Overhead movements.