Lotterywest commits $627,000 to Philanthropy Australia to grow giving in WA

The project will support grantmaking training, data collection and regional engagement opportunities to build on the state’s generosity and growing interest in philanthropy.
Philanthropy Australia and Lotterywest are delighted to announce an exciting partnership to inspire more giving in Western Australia to support social impact initiatives.
Lotterywest has committed more than $627,000 over three years to enable Philanthropy Australia to substantially grow its offering in WA. This will include workshops for Not-For-Profits (NFPs) and training on how to engage with philanthropists.
The project, More and Better Giving in WA, was launched in Perth on 15 June by Philanthropy Australia CEO Jack Heath and Lotterywest’s General Manager of Grants and Community Development, Lorna Pritchard.
The project will also support new data collection and reporting, engagement events and the creation of a suite of resources to drive more inclusive and expansive philanthropy in the state. A group of WA philanthropists have also come together to generously contribute to the project.
The support will allow Philanthropy Australia to expand regional involvement and encourage an increase in the level of participation of First Nations-led organisations. It will foster collaboration among funders, including those aiming their support at underfunded areas.
Philanthropy Australia CEO Jack Heath says: “Western Australians are a fundamentally generous people and the time is now ripe to tap into that generosity to grow giving in WA. There is a real momentum building right across the country to double our giving by 2030 and we believe WA can play a leadership role.
“Philanthropy can make a powerful impact in addressing our most pressing social and environmental issues. We thank Lotterywest and the WA philanthropists for their generous support as we work together to grow giving in WA.”
Overall, the project aims to support the growth of philanthropists in WA and engage the public more with a culture of philanthropy, such as encouraging more community foundations and giving circles to establish. The initiative comes as a growing interest and ability for people to give has gradually emerged in the state.
Less than 27% of WA’s population claim a tax donation for charitable giving, one of the lowest rates of Australian states (QUT 2020). However, Perth has the highest median weekly earnings of all capital cities (ABS 2022) and there has been year-on-year growth in the number of Private Ancillary Funds registered in WA, now numbering 134, up from 90 in 2015 (Australian Business Register 2023).
The opportunity for generosity to thrive in the coming decades is unprecedented. In WA, more than $220 billion is estimated to transfer between generations from 2021 and 2040 (Seer Data).
Lorna Pritchard said Western Australia is in a unique position when it comes to community investment. “Lotterywest is the only State Government owned and operated lottery in Australia, where all available profits go back to WA community groups.
“I am proud to lead a grants team that’s constantly exploring new and unique pathways for community groups to enhance the lives of Western Australians, through funding that creates a lasting impact,” she said.
“This grant will boost opportunities for funders, fund-seekers and others to connect and learn about philanthropy and aligns with the opportunity identified by Lotterywest to support strategic collaboration by building peer networks.”
This grant will enable WA to build on an expanding national awareness of the importance – and joy – of giving. This has especially come since the Federal Government last year backed Philanthropy Australia’s proposal to double structured giving – but also expanded the pledge to double to all giving. Philanthropy Australia has laid out a roadmap in our submission to the Production Commission, currently under way.
Dylan Smith, Philanthropy Australia’s Director of Engagement for WA, says: “As more funders step into philanthropy here, there is an increased interest and demand for them to learn and collaborate. This will lead to an increase in support for WA charities and NFP’s. There is so much more we can do in WA.
“We are very excited to take this project forward. I look forward to collaborating with Lotterywest and the generous WA philanthropists involved.”
Philanthropy Australia is currently seeking further support of three leading philanthropists in WA to share knowledge and contribute $10K per year for three years and become new Philanthropy Australia Champions (WA).

Dylan Smith, Robert Taylor (WAITOC), Lorna Pritchard (Lotterywest), Jack Heath, Walter McGuire (GoCultural & WAITOC)