Let’s talk! Philanthropy Australia has arranged two national online information exchange sessions in April about the Double Giving Strategy and Productivity Commission Inquiry into Philanthropy and we hope you will join us.
The sessions
Sam Rosevear, our Executive Director, Policy, Government Relations and Research will host the discussion sessions involving a presentation followed by a Q&A. There are two dates available:
- Thursday 6 April from 12.00-1.00
- Tuesday 18 April from 12.30-1.30
Sam will provide an overview of Philanthropy Australia’s policy agenda, seek your input and feedback, and help position you to write your own submissions, should you wish to do so.
He will also talk about our approach to government relations and seek any tips you would like to provide.
The Double Giving opportunity
The Government’s pledge to work with the philanthropic, not-for-profit and business sectors to develop a Strategy to Double Giving to Charity by 2030 is a rare opportunity. If successful, it would be transformational for Australia, and could mean:
- Billions in additional support for Australians in greatest need,
- More action in crucial cause areas, such as climate change, poverty, the Early Years, First Nations justice and the arts,
- A more generous and giving national culture, in which we recognise we are all in it together, we are active in our communities, and no one gets left behind,
Next steps
The Government has asked the Productivity Commission (PC) to undertake an inquiry into philanthropy and make recommendations on future policy initiatives. The PC will complete a draft report in November, which could position the Government to respond with a package of Double Giving reforms in the May 2024 Budget. Alternatively, the Government may choose to await the final PC report in May 2024 before responding.
The PC has now released an issues paper, Review of Philanthropy: Call for Submissions. Submissions are due by 5 May 2023. More information is available here.
Philanthropy Australia has released to members our draft work-in-progress submissions – available here. We look forward to discussing this agenda with you on either the 6th or the 18th.
Register for Sam’s national online discussion sessions here. You can select one of the sessions during registration.