A message from the Philanthropy Australia Co-Chairs, Amanda Miller OAM and Lisa George: retirement of CEO, Jack Heath

Philanthropy Australia’s CEO, Jack Heath, has indicated to the Board that he wishes to conclude his term as CEO at the end of March 2024.
We respect Jack’s decision and thank him for the significant contribution he has made to Philanthropy Australia over the past three years, including helping to put philanthropy on the Federal Government agenda, the philanthropy blueprint, helping to secure DGR1 for Community Foundations, significantly advancing our advocacy/policy agenda, input into the Productivity Commission inquiry and delivering two excellent Conferences and a Philanthropy Meets Parliament Summit.
The recruitment of a CEO is one of the most important responsibilities of the Board and we will ensure that the process is thorough and results in a smooth leadership transition for the Philanthropy Australia team as well as our members. Jack will be finishing up at the end of March 2024, and we will be initiating a recruitment process as soon as possible.
We thank you for all the support you have given to Jack and the organisation. We very much look forward to you staying on the journey with us to inspire more and better philanthropy in our quest for a generous and inclusive Australia.