2023 New Gen Study Tour | Philanthropy Australia

Philanthropy Australia (PA) are planning our 2023 New Gen Study Tour – an inspiring and immersive program between 19 – 21 June, immediately before the NEXUS Global Summit.
Hosted in New York, the Study Tour is a unique opportunity for New Gens to connect and learn from global pioneers at the vanguard of private giving, impact investment, innovation, and social entrepreneurship.
This intimately facilitated experience will enable you to develop professional capabilities and personal bonds to unlock further reach, impact and influence within your philanthropic journey.
Expressions of Interest for our 2023 Study Tour closed in March. Special consideration could be made in exceptional circumstances on a case by case basis.
Please reach out to Study Tour leader and New Gen Network lead Bella Conyngham, if you would like to enquire about attending.
Bella Conyngham
Associate Engagement Manager (NSW & ACT)
+61 (0) 452 04452