Paying What It Takes Case Studies 2022
Three participants in our Pay What It Takes workshops consider some of the central questions at the heart of their collaborations.
Philanthropy Australia ran a series of workshops following the release of the Paying What It Takes report in 2022. In December of the same year, we spoke to representatives from six organisations who took part in these workshops, to reflect on what they’d learned.

Paying What It Takes Case Study 1: Building Sector Capacity
Participants: The William Buckland Foundation, Equity Trustees; Australian Progress. The William Buckland Foundation aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged Victorians through grants that support better housing, health, education and employment outcomes. We also fund initiatives that build resilience in rural and regional communities. Australian Progress was founded 10 years ago as a major initiative … Continue reading

Paying What It Takes Case Study 2: Fundraising grassroots community-led organisations
Participants: The CAGES Foundation, Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre The CAGES Foundation is a family foundation that supports Indigenous Australians. It has “…evolved our funding principles to foster Aboriginal leadership, genuine partnerships and capacity building, which have become core to everything we support.’’ The Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre was established under the … Continue reading

Paying What It Takes Case Study 3: Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE)
Participants: Westpac Foundation and Green Connect Westpac Foundation is a corporate foundation that has been supporting the community for over 140 years. Its focus is on providing funding and programs to support social enterprises and community organisations creating jobs and opportunities for Australians experiencing disadvantage. Its mission is to help social enterprises create 10,000 jobs … Continue reading