News and stories

News and stories

Social impact evaluation gets $2.1m boost from Paul Ramsay Foundation, announces Andrew Leigh

Dee Rudebeck, Adviser News and Storytelling Fri, 21 Jun 2024

Expanding the use of social impact evaluation in the for-purpose sector that include trials and other experimental, ethically performed, components, received a significant boost this week in a new grant round from the Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF). The grants, totalling $2.1million, were announced by Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities, and Treasury, the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP.

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News and stories

Drumroll please… Conference program released for Adelaide 2024!

Philanthropy Australia Fri, 21 Jun 2024

Join hundreds of your colleagues and friends for three days of inspirational ideas and insights.

News and stories

How do we shift evaluation from a ‘reporting’ to a learning lens? 

Brenda Solorzano, CEO Headwaters Foundation Fri, 23 Feb 2024

Brenda Solorzano is a leading changemaker in trust-based philanthropy. Brenda had an insightful and candid conversation with our Philanthropy Evaluation Network to share her ideas on how evaluation can be reframed to achieve learning and change through a trust-based approach.

News and stories

Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children gets under way at Canberra roundtable

Fri, 8 Dec 2023

Philanthropy and government have come together in what could be the largest ever structured collaboration between the sectors in the country’s history. Formalised this week in Canberra, the Investment Dialogue’s collective aim is to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and their families by working with communities to reduce intergenerational disadvantage in Australia. The initiative is shaping up as an unprecedented, long-term, integrated and community-led approach to supporting children, families and communities to thrive.


Five questions to consider when scaling for impact

Social Ventures Australia Fri, 27 Oct 2023

Dr Neela Saldanha, Executive Director, Yale Research Initiative on Innovation & Scale (Y-RISE), visited Australia at the invitation of Social Ventures Australia to give the keynote address at SVA’s summit on impact at scale. She explained why successful pilots often don’t achieve the same results ‘at scale’ and provided questions to consider when expanding a change program. These issues will be explored further in the upcoming sold-out Replication and Scale event hosted by Philanthropy Australia and Zurich Insurance Group.