News and stories

News and stories

Disaster-hit communities helped to get going again by RACQ workers turned volunteers

Allison Harding Fri, 3 May 2024

The RACQ Foundation was established in the wake of the 2011 Brisbane floods and Tropical Cyclone Yasi. Since then, the Foundation has continued to support communities from the outback to the coast, pledging more than 33,000 volunteering hours to deliver its Community Assistance Projects.

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News and stories

Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children gets under way at Canberra roundtable

Fri, 8 Dec 2023

Philanthropy and government have come together in what could be the largest ever structured collaboration between the sectors in the country’s history. Formalised this week in Canberra, the Investment Dialogue’s collective aim is to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and their families by working with communities to reduce intergenerational disadvantage in Australia. The initiative is shaping up as an unprecedented, long-term, integrated and community-led approach to supporting children, families and communities to thrive.

News and stories

‘Philanthropy is a portrait of readiness,’ says incoming Community Foundations Australia CEO Ian Bird

Dee Rudebeck Fri, 10 Nov 2023

The expansion and strengthening of the place-based community foundations network is a key plank in Philanthropy Australia's double giving agenda. The network will be instrumental in developing a language and culture of giving at the local level never seen before in this country. As Ian Bird prepares to take on his new role, the internationally recognised for-purpose leader says change is coming – and it will be accessible to all.

News and stories

Small Grants are vital to strengthen rural Australia

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Fri, 3 Nov 2023

For purpose organisations come in many shapes and sizes, and have varied needs according to their structures and location. This means that there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to grant making, writes Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal. In this thought piece, Jill explains how small grants can have a big impact, particularly on grassroots organisations, which may not be able to access traditional philanthropy.

Policy and advocacy update

New polling shows overwhelming support for initiatives to double giving

Fri, 31 Mar 2023

National polling released this week demonstrates “very strong” support for proposed government reforms to lift giving to charity. The survey suggests a keen and open-hearted generosity is alive in the community and that there has been a significant change in sentiment towards a more compassionate approach across society. This indicates the Federal Government’s work to develop a strategy to double giving to charity by 2030 will be strongly supported by the Australian community.

Philanthropy Weekly story

Best of Giving film – Innovation: the Fay Fuller Foundation and OurTown

Fri, 9 Dec 2022

Across the country, there are a myriad of small towns confronting their own problems, trying to make sure their communities can thrive under a range of stresses and pressures.

Philanthropy Weekly story

The Best of The Best is here!

Fri, 25 Nov 2022

During the past two years, Philanthropy Australia has compiled nine short films that tell stories of best practice philanthropy.