Philanthropy Australia conference set to put humanity back on the national agenda

Philanthropy Australia conference set to put humanity back on the national agenda
September 05th, 2022
Philanthropy Australia will kick off their national conference tomorrow with a packed program exploring philanthropy’s role in the modern age, and its potential to nurture and support a world facing an array of complex challenges.
With the Centre for Social Impact’s new research revealing that Australia’s wealthiest are giving less than their international peers, the conference is an opportunity for leading philanthropists to inspire others to give.
Held at the International Convention Centre, Sydney, the Philanthropy Australia national conference For the Love of Humanity: People, Place and Planet will be one of the first opportunities for the new Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, to discuss Labor’s commitment to double philanthropic giving by 2030.
Philanthropy Australia is the peak body for philanthropy, serving a community of funders, social investors and social change agents working to achieve positive social, cultural, environmental and community change, by leveraging their financial assets and influence.
“The conference is a unique opportunity for philanthropists, sector leaders, academics, and international experts to come together to ask the critical questions facing the state of philanthropy. Together we will explore how we can best apply a modern application of philanthropy to help support all of humanity,” says Philanthropy Australia CEO Jack Heath.
At this year’s conference more than 800 delegates will come together for three days of masterclasses, workshops, plenaries and panels presented by both national and international experts in the social impact space.
The following experts will be available for interview during the conference to discuss a breadth of topics about philanthropy:
Dr Beth Breeze OBE – Director of the Global Challenges Doctoral Centre and the Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent (UK)
Kevin Starr – Mulago Foundation (San Francisco, USA)
Jack Heath – CEO, Philanthropy Australia
Professor Kristy Muir – CEO, Paul Ramsay Foundation
Philanthropy Australia thanks the conference partners:
Principal Partners: Paul Ramsay Foundation, AMP Foundation
Major Partner: Perpetual
Supporting Partners: Give2Asia, Australian Communities Foundation, JANA, Autism Spectrum
Technology Partner: Grant Toolbox
Media Partner: Pro Bono Australia
About Philanthropy Australia
Philanthropy Australia is the peak body for philanthropy, serving a community of funders, social investors and social change agents working to achieve positive social, cultural, environmental and community change, by leveraging their financial assets and influence.
Our purpose is to inspire more and better philanthropy for a generous and inclusive Australia. Our membership consists of trusts, foundations, organisations, families, individual donors, corporations, professional advisers, intermediaries and not-for-profit organisations.