The Wyatt Trust: Three lessons from our RAP journey
The Wyatt Trust was the first private charitable foundation to implement the RAP framework. Here, Wyatt Trust CEO and Philanthropy Australia Board Member Stacey Thomas reflects of their journey to near completion of two RAPs – what they’ve learned, on truth-telling in relation to the trust’s history and how they might go forward to create a more bespoke reconciliation path.
How gender-wise is your giving?
Australia’s gender parity ranking has fallen from 15th in the world to 43rd. Taking part in Australians Investing in Women’s survey will, for the first time, allow organisations to compare their giving in gender equality against an emerging sector-wide benchmark.
New foundations alliance on impact investing calls for members
The growing interest in impact investing is a key opportunity to expand on our sector’s shared objective to grow more and better philanthropy, and to build on Australia’s generous culture of giving.
Media Release: New alliance to help drive more impact investing in Australia
An alliance of some of Australia’s largest philanthropic foundations has launched to grow impact investing in Australia, enable partnerships, and unlock its potential to help tackle social and environmental challenges.
Top Trends in Philanthropy for Better Giving
Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director Engagement, Adam Ognall, was recently asked to offer his thoughts for a team event on the most prevailing trends and themes he sees emerging across the sector. As we make our way towards our shared goal of more generous and inclusive giving in Australia, here are his thoughts.
Philanthropy Australia Annual Review 2022
Philanthropy Australia and CEO Jack Heath are delighted to publish its 2022 Annual Review, bringing together a raft of highlights of a big year.
New Philanthropy Australia Life Members
Two of Australia’s most notable philanthropic leaders, Ann Johnson and Alan Schwartz AM, received Life Membership to Philanthropy Australia this week.