News and stories

News and stories

White Box Enterprises: social enterprises are key to success for people facing job challenges

Nick Place Fri, 17 Nov 2023

Getting a job in Australia can be tough. If you’re a First Nations person, living with a disability, a newly arrived Australian or an ex-offender, it’s much tougher. But social enterprise incubator White Box Enterprises is fast developing a track record of start-up successes that are opening up the job market to people who had been facing barriers – one of which has just attracted a $5 million boost in funding from the Paul Ramsay Foundation.

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News and stories

‘Philanthropy is a portrait of readiness,’ says incoming Community Foundations Australia CEO Ian Bird

Dee Rudebeck Fri, 10 Nov 2023

The expansion and strengthening of the place-based community foundations network is a key plank in Philanthropy Australia's double giving agenda. The network will be instrumental in developing a language and culture of giving at the local level never seen before in this country. As Ian Bird prepares to take on his new role, the internationally recognised for-purpose leader says change is coming – and it will be accessible to all.

Policy and advocacy update

Your Chance to Influence the Charity Blueprint 

Sam Rosevear, Executive Director, Policy, Government Relations and Research, Philanthropy Australia Fri, 10 Nov 2023

A strong sector response to the Charity Blueprint Issues Paper could help secure reforms for more and better giving, says Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director, Policy, Government Relations and Reform, Sam Rosevear. 

News and stories

Vale Marc Besen AC

Fri, 10 Nov 2023

Marc Besen AC, the renowned philanthropist and co-founder of the Sussan clothing group, passed away this week aged 99. Tributes appeared across the media, remembering Mr Besen warmly. Forbes magazine said he was regarded as “retail royalty” and a legend of business, and to those who knew him best, “he was kind, funny, loyal and incredibly wise”.


Philanthropy is catalysing phenomenal growth in the social enterprise sector

Tara Anderson, CEO, Social Traders Fri, 10 Nov 2023

The social enterprise format – blending mission and money – is the business model of the future, says Social Traders CEO Tara Anderson. Social Traders is a leading intermediary connecting social enterprises with business and government to grow the social procurement sector and offers Australia's only social enterprise certification. To celebrate Social Enterprise Day on 16 November, Tara outlines how Australia is experiencing the fastest and largest social enterprise procurement growth anywhere in the world – and philanthropy is fuelling the momentum. 

News and stories

Small Grants are vital to strengthen rural Australia

Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Fri, 3 Nov 2023

For purpose organisations come in many shapes and sizes, and have varied needs according to their structures and location. This means that there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to grant making, writes Jill Karena, Place Portfolio Lead, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal. In this thought piece, Jill explains how small grants can have a big impact, particularly on grassroots organisations, which may not be able to access traditional philanthropy.

News and stories

Grattan Institute: The philanthropy behind powerful systems change advocacy

Fri, 3 Nov 2023

At Philanthropy Australia’s Philanthropy Meets Parliament Summit in Canberra last week, Danielle Wood, outgoing Grattan Institute CEO, reviewed some of the outstanding outcomes the independent public policy think tank has achieved in one of our case studies illustrating effective collaboration with government.

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