Evolution of philanthropy, part 2: Seven guiding principles for a more effective future
From a 15-year career in licensed trustee companies, family offices, foundations and for-purpose organisations, Simon Lewis, Partner at GoodWolf, shares his seven guiding principles for what he believes will create a more effective philanthropy sector in the future.
The evolution of a sector – a concise history of philanthropy in Australia
Philanthropy is on the cusp of a new era of public accountability as the expectations of our time change, and the probity and transparency conferred by the sector’s relatively new governing body, the Australian Charities and Non-For-Profits Commission (ACNC), start taking effect, says Simon Lewis, Partner at GoodWolf.
Snow Medical to revolutionise immunology research globally with $100 million gift
In one of the largest and longest-running philanthropic partnerships in Australian history, the Snow Medical Research Foundation (Snow Medical) announced this week that it will work with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute to establish one of the world’s leading immunology research centres with an initial commitment of $100 million over 10 years. It will be called the Snow Centre for Immune Health, and the emphasis of the funding is to create the long-term capacity to allow scientists to pursue bold research programs. Ongoing investments are expected beyond 10 years.
Professor Ian Frazer backs double giving, saying philanthropy supports breakthrough research: video
One of Australia’s leading medical researchers, Professor Ian Frazer AC, who co-invented the cervical cancer vaccine, has joined with Philanthropy Australia to call for the nation to double charitable giving to medical research by 2030 from $1.5 billion to $3 billion. Philanthropy Australia has launched a new video telling the story of how philanthropy underpinned virtually all of Professor Frazer's early work.
Australian social cohesion index is lowest in 17 years, says Scanlon report
Key findings from the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s annual report, released this week, show that people’s overall social cohesion has fallen and is at its lowest level since the study began in 2007, amid concerns around cost-of-living pressures and the impact of global conflicts. But the report’s lead author says there that while Australia is at a crucial junction, there are positives to build on, particularly that people indicate a strong connection to their local communities.
Paul Ramsay Foundation’s $5m boost to data social enterprise set to create more jobs for neurodivergent people
A significant expansion in career pathways for neurodivergent people in data and engineering is set to open following a $5 million boost to one of Australia’s fastest growing work-integration social enterprises from philanthropy. The Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF) announced this week that it would partner with Australian Spatial Analytics (ASA) to provide a blended finance package incorporating $2.5 million in grant funding and $2.5 million in impact investment to the social enterprise’s national scaling plans.