120 events, the 400th edition of Philanthropy Weekly and a sold-out Canberra summit – what a year!
It’s time for members to renew with Philanthropy Australia, so we thought it a good time to reflect on the membership year just past.
Philanthropy Australia launches Women’s Giving and Philanthropy initiative
As people across Australia gather to mark International Women’s Day, Philanthropy Australia celebrates by launching our Women’s Giving and Philanthropy initiative. Women’s philanthropy has emerged as a distinct area using innovative and creative methods to improve local, national and global communities. Pat Burke OAM, Senior Advisor at Philanthropy Australia and a key driver of this initiative, explains how it aims to grow and support women’s philanthropy with resources, research and inspiring stories as a key part of our mission to support ‘more and better’ giving.
‘Giving circle magic’: The gift that grew and grew from a group of Melbourne women
This is a story of a giving circle and the impact of one of its gifts that grew beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. The initial $60,000 grant came from the Melbourne Women’s Fund to help an inner-city community organisation provide early intervention support for women in contact with the criminal justice system. A few years on, it has led to outstanding results and millions of dollars in government backing to expand the program across the city.
Awards Showcase event location announced
The Australian Philanthropy Awards Showcase event will be a celebration of good practice philanthropy.
This Month in Philanthropy – In Pictures
Welcome to the first instalment of our new gallery designed to showcase notable events, launches, project updates and other activities happening in our busy member community.
Philanthropy gets behind bid to revitalise regional journalism
Since leaving Philanthropy Australia as our former storyteller, Nick Richardson has made an interesting transition – not just to the role of Melbourne Press Club CEO, but to being a grantseeker. He talks about the experience and how it has led to an innovative philanthropic partnership to support cadetships for school leavers from diverse regional communities to embark on journalism careers.
Deep thinking and a daring step into public policy: the Watertrust story
Watertrust Australia is an independent NFP that seeks to find common ground among users, First Nation groups, environmentalists, river communities and others on water and catchment policy – in the driest inhabited continent in the world. Here, we tell the story of its inception and establishment in 2021, funded by a coalition 16 philanthropic partners. It’s a prime example of the recent boost to environmental funding referenced in AEGN’s new report.