Hopes for a breakthrough in childhood diseases underpinned by 10-year funding relationship
An enduring relationship that has formed between the Stafford Fox Medical Research Foundation (SFMRF) and Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) over a decade has been attributed to enabling the latter to develop world-first research into stem cell medicine that could result in treatments for rare or currently incurable and devastating childhood diseases, including heart disease and brain cancer.
A night celebrating philanthropy
The 2024 Australian Philanthropy Awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 16 April at the Art Gallery of NSW. More than 200 people packed Meers Hall to hear a showcase of the finalists across 9 categories and a surprise 10 Award recipients.
Impressive leaders recognised with Australian Philanthropy Awards
The award recipients in the 2024 Australian Philanthropy Awards have been announced today, recognising and celebrating extraordinary achievements in contemporary philanthropy.
Pathways to Politics for Women opens more doors in busy election year
The award-winning Pathways to Politics for Women program has become fully national for the first time, now incorporating Western Australia and Tasmania. Building on recent successes in Queensland local elections, organisers are calling on more future female leaders who are passionate about politics and driving positive change in their communities to apply.
Rob McLean and The Nature Conservancy: ‘We wanted to be involved in an organisation that’s kicking goals’
Philanthropist Rob McLean AM is excited as he talks about kelp. He’s explaining the potential for 'blue carbon' and exploration of mangroves, sea grasses and regrown kelp forests potentially becoming options for carbon storage. It's an initiative by The Nature Conservancy, a global organisation that Rob helped bring to Australia. He talks about his long and continuing involvement with the organisation and why he's proud of its achievements.
Australian women are set to inherit trillions – what will that mean for giving?
JBWere’s recent report, The Growth of Women and Wealth, estimates that Australian women will become custodians of more than 65% of the nearly $5 trillion in intergenerational wealth transfer in coming years – but what does that mean for charitable giving?
This Month in Philanthropy: March
Welcome to the March edition of our gallery designed to showcase notable events, launches, project updates and other activities happening in our busy member community.