News and stories

News and stories

The Susan McKinnon Foundation and Monash University renew commitment to enhanced political leadership

Fri, 17 May 2024

The Susan McKinnon Foundation and Monash University this week announced the renewal of their philanthropic partnership with an investment of more than $25 million over five years from the Foundation to sustain and advance the McKinnon Institute for Political Leadership.

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Policy and advocacy update

‘Tax nudge’ reform could unlock up to $19.5b in giving by 2030: new Philanthropy Australia report

Sam Rosevear, Executive Director of Policy, Government Relations and Research Fri, 17 May 2024

A voluntary choice for Australians to donate part of their tax return to charity could help dramatically transform giving in Australia, writes Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director, Sam Rosevear. A number of options are investigated and modelled in the report by Impact Economics and Policy: Greater Giving: Tax Time Prompts to Increase Charitable Giving.

News and stories

A night celebrating philanthropy 

Sophie Marcard - Director, Marketing and Communications, Philanthropy Australia Fri, 19 Apr 2024

The 2024 Australian Philanthropy Awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 16 April at the Art Gallery of NSW. More than 200 people packed Meers Hall to hear a showcase of the finalists across 9 categories and a surprise 10 Award recipients. 

News and stories

Australian Philanthropy Awards 2024 – in pictures

Philanthropy Australia Fri, 19 Apr 2024

Take a look at some of the highlights and key moments from the Australian Philanthropy Awards Showcase event including guests, award recipients, finalists, presenters and more.

News and stories

The case for doubling giving: ‘Now is the time to lay the groundwork’

Doug Taylor Fri, 1 Mar 2024

We can increase giving to not-for-profits by double or more in the coming years by fostering trust, implementing strategic policies and engaging generations young and old, says Doug Taylor, CEO of children’s education charity The Smith Family. But it is a two-way street and NFPs will need to work hard to ensure impact also grows to meet donor expectations.

News and stories

Philanthropy Australia CEO Jack Heath awarded an AM

Fri, 2 Feb 2024

Jack Heath says he's humbled to be among those to receive an Australia Day Honours this year. Altogether 1,042 people were recognised, with more women than men being included. Amanda Miller OAM and Lisa George, Co-Chairs of Philanthropy Australia, congratulated Jack on behalf of the board and staff. They said the thoroughly deserved honour recognises Jack’s outstanding leadership in building and stewarding for-purpose organisations and his dedicated career of service to Australia over many decades.

News and stories

Innovative corporate philanthropy empowers staff to give

Chris Wilson, Philanthropy and Social Capital Partner at Koda Fri, 2 Feb 2024

Independent wealth management firm Koda Capital has launched its own company foundation that empowers employees to become philanthropists in their own right. The Koda Endowment creates an appealing option for staff to structure their giving, building up their philanthropic capital via their salary in a similar manner to how they build up their superannuation - creating a lasting legacy for themselves and the community. Chris Wilson, Philanthropy and Social Capital Partner at Koda, explains how it works.  

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