News and stories

News and stories

Mother Earth loan – an agribusiness finance model that cares for Country

Paul Girrawah House, Co-founder of the Waluwin Foundation Fri, 9 Feb 2024

The Mother Earth loan is designed to support the purchase of freehold title farmlands by First Nations farmers to revive traditional practices. It’s based on similar modelling to HECS, where repayments are due when Mother Earth is ‘healthy and able to share’ and payments are paused or significantly reduced when ‘Mother is struggling and needs time to heal’. Paul Girrawah House, one of the founders of the Waluwin Foundation, explains how it can work, its benefits and the role philanthropy can play.

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News and stories

Q&A with Penny Dakin, outgoing CEO of ARACY: ‘Philanthropy’s willingness to be brave and bold will be key’

Fri, 15 Dec 2023

Philanthropy and government have come together to improve the wellbeing and opportunities of children and young people in what could be the largest ever structured collaboration between the sectors in the country’s history. The Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children is shaping up as an unprecedented, long-term, integrated approach to support young people and their families to thrive – with community and First Nations voices to be at its heart. ARACY - Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth is acting as the Strategic Convenor of this important initiative.

News and stories

Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children gets under way at Canberra roundtable

Fri, 8 Dec 2023

Philanthropy and government have come together in what could be the largest ever structured collaboration between the sectors in the country’s history. Formalised this week in Canberra, the Investment Dialogue’s collective aim is to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and their families by working with communities to reduce intergenerational disadvantage in Australia. The initiative is shaping up as an unprecedented, long-term, integrated and community-led approach to supporting children, families and communities to thrive.

News and stories

‘Philanthropy is a portrait of readiness,’ says incoming Community Foundations Australia CEO Ian Bird

Dee Rudebeck Fri, 10 Nov 2023

The expansion and strengthening of the place-based community foundations network is a key plank in Philanthropy Australia's double giving agenda. The network will be instrumental in developing a language and culture of giving at the local level never seen before in this country. As Ian Bird prepares to take on his new role, the internationally recognised for-purpose leader says change is coming – and it will be accessible to all.

CEO update

A message from Jack Heath, CEO, Philanthropy Australia

Fri, 13 Oct 2023

Tomorrow on Saturday 14 October the Australian people will vote in a referendum on whether to recognise the First Peoples of these lands in the Federal Constitution and to give them a voice. It’s a very simple proposition and an extremely modest ask of the Australian people.

News and stories

Rona Glynn-McDonald: ‘We want to rewrite the story of wealth and funding’

Fri, 1 Sep 2023

An innovative funding platform, First Nations Futures, has been launched that gives everyone in Australia the opportunity to provide unrestricted funds for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-driven initiatives. As efforts towards truth-telling and justice gain momentum, the platform hopes to help allocate funding into spaces that are under-resourced and create intergenerational impact for community and Country.

News and stories

‘Sharing knowledge will create generational change’

Fri, 25 Aug 2023

Kayla Baker-Peris is a proud Yolngu, Yawurru and Kidja woman born and raised in Darwin. She is an alumnus of the Yalari Indigenous scholarship program, which supported her until graduating from Kambala Girls School in Rose Bay, Sydney, in 2018. Below, she shares her experiences of being one of the first Indigenous students at Kambala and how the scholarship changed her life.

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