Opinion: In a time of multiple crises and societal fragmentation, what roles can philanthropy play?
Just a few weeks after the release of a Productivity Commission report making recommendations for how to boost philanthropic giving, more than 1,000 people gathered on Kaurna Country in Adelaide earlier this month for the Philanthropy Australia conference.
Why we can’t wait 300 years for gender equality
One theme emerged with crystal clarity at the Breakfast of Champions for Gender Equality event at Conference: the urgent need for collective action to accelerate progress towards gender equality. The event was co-hosted by Australians Investing in Women, Perpetual, Philanthropy Australia, the ResourceFULL Collective (International Women's Development Agency, Pacific Feminist Fund and Urgent Action Fund – Asia & Pacific) and Red Rocketship Foundation.
A reflection on the conference
A reflection about the conference by Kirk McNeill, National Manager – Investor Relationships at Australian Ethical. The article includes Kirk’s highlights and takeaways.
$150bn will be inherited this year: JBWere Bequest Report
Latest research on inheritance trends, the Bequest Report from wealth management company JBWere, makes compulsive reading for the philanthropic sector. While figures show that inheritance to family, friends and charity is expected to reach at total of $5.4 trillion by 2044, only 1% of wealth transfer in Australia currently goes to charitable causes. The report considers the impact of these findings across the sector and opportunities for growth.
‘Philanthropy is having a moment’: Philanthropy Australia marks biggest ever conference
More than 1,000 people filled the room at the Adelaide Convention Centre on 6 August at the Philanthropy Australia Conference 2024 – along with 120 online – to kick off the peak body’s biggest biennial gathering in its history. The size of the audience showed the growth and vibrancy of the sector, said CEO Maree Sidey.
Photo gallery: Conference 2024
A look at a small collection of images from the conference showcasing keynote speakers and the highly engaged and enthusiastic audience.
Philanthropy Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Funders Reporting Survey
Leah Armstrong, Chair of the First Nations Funders Network at Philanthropy Australia and Regional Manager of International Funders for Indigenous Peoples is inviting funders in Australia to contribute to the first ever “Philanthropy Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Funders Reporting Survey”.