Dr Andrew Leigh announces Labor’s commitment to double giving in Australia by 2030
On 7 April 2022, the Shadow Assistant Minister for Treasury and Charity, the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, announced Labor’s commitment to work with the philanthropic, for-purpose and business sectors to develop a strategy for philanthropy, with the aim of doubling giving in Australia by 2030. This announcement picked up the central element of our 2021 Election Statement.
For more information, see:
- Our media release Philanthropy Australia welcomes Labor commitment to double giving
- Philanthropy Weekly article ‘Strategy to double giving by 2030 now on election agenda’ by Sam Rosevear and Krystian Seibert on the potential impact of this commitment, and on the announcement event at the Community of Giving Hub in East Melbourne
- Pro Bono Australia article ‘Labor promises to double giving, answering Philanthropy Australia’s call’
- Dr Andrew Leigh’s media release ‘Labor to double philanthropic giving by 2030’
- Dr Andrew Leigh’s announcement speech ‘How Australia can double philanthropic giving by 2030’