And just like that it’s February! I hope you have had a restful break and a productive January.
Can you hear that sound? It’s all the new and exciting PA initiatives and developments dropping in 2025 – a new membership model, an anniversary, a re-vamped summit, a new strategy, new team members and so much more…
We are on the cusp of launching our refreshed and updated Membership Offering. We’ve simplified the tiers, made the benefits clearer and revised the branding. Most excitingly, the whole PA team is here to make sure that your membership experience is exciting and inspiring. We’re committed to supporting you to get the most out of your membership. Keep an eye out for info in your inbox in February.
2025 is also our 50th anniversary. We’ve got a great deal planned, with the crescendo being a landmark dinner on 28 October in Melbourne, where we will come together and celebrate philanthropy’s important contribution to our country and beyond. Watch for the ‘save the date’ coming soon!
In other exciting news, we have a new name for our enewsletter – Philanthropy Australia’s: Giving News. After close to 450 editions of Philanthropy Weekly, we have decided to move to a fortnightly rhythm. Giving News will include all your favourite sections – news, views, events and opportunities – plus the stories we know you love and value about our sector.
And finally… please double check you have received an email from me this week inviting you to complete our strategy survey. It’s important that we gather your views as we head into the creation of our new strategy. This short survey for our members and key stakeholders is the first step in a strategy process to help us shape the future of our organisation.
Your insights from the survey will help us make key decisions about where to focus our efforts, time, and resources to best serve the sector and advance our shared vision for a more generous and inclusive Australia.
Thank you for your ongoing support. I’ll be in touch regularly with news and updates.
Best wishes
Maree Sidey
Philanthropy Australia