Philanthropy Australia Conference 2024 – draft program

Download the latest program at right. The program is subject to change.

Welcome to Adelaide 2024!

What does ‘Shifting Perspectives, Shifting Practice’ mean? It’s about looking at the important issues of our time – local, national and international – and thinking deeply about our response. It’s about being confident to evolve in what you do and how you do it. It’s about partnering well, being aware of our power, listening to diverse voices and thinking about who is and who isn’t in the room.

In the Conference program, you’ll find carefully selected and crafted sessions. If you’re highly experienced – there’s something for you. New to philanthropy? Lots for you too.

You’ll learn new tips and practical tools in some sessions, while in others you’ll dive deep into pressing problems and emerging opportunities. Either way you’ll come away inspired and re-invigorated.

Plenaries and panels – tick! Concurrent sessions and masterclasses – tick! Side events – tick! It’s going to be a compelling and engaging Conference and together we’ll grow more and better giving in Australia. Register now.